Saturday 13 February 2016

Genre Discussion

I'm pretty sure there are more genres of music than people in the universe...and that's a lot. 

There are the usual ones that the majority of people have heard about; rock, pop, indie, metal, country & western, jazz, funk, etc. But then...hardcore-math-rock seemed to become a thing. WHAT is that!? 

As music becomes more popular in schools, colleges and hobbies, these genres seem to expand into things that most people would describe as "what on earth is that?"

Taking my example of hardcore-math-rock, it would seem to be a rock guitar riff, with a pumping kick-drum, in a time signature that changes every verse, chorus and anywhere they feel like it in between. It's confusing to listen to, but if that's what some people like then who am I to judge?

Call me old fashioned, but I like the plain genres, enjoy listening to them regularly, and that's pretty much it. It's not to say I'm narrow minded in music; I have a lot of different genres in my collection, but when it comes to pushing it further into these fusion genres, I draw the line. 

Not to say all fusions are bad of course, I listen to a few bands that could be a fusion of hard rock, drum and bass and maybe a little dubstep. It's mostly known as Nu-Metal, but I prefer to call it Hard-drum-step...ok that's a lie. 

Are any of you readers into these fusions? Any you would recommend/avoid? Would be great to hear your thoughts on the matter!

Until the next post, Adios!

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